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lundi, avril 30, 2007

Bilderberg conference exposed on dutch tv (english subs)

Bilderberg conference exposed on dutch television show RTL Boulevard. Daniel Estulin comments that the bilderbergers want to eliminate 3 billion people for the case of planet earth. See how shocked Albert Verlinde reacts that our Queen Beatrix is a member of the Bilderberg group.

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NY Police Report Bomb to Frame Activist as Terrorist

"By the time the government finds out, you'll be in the hole thirty days" 9/11 Truther is Told By Officer Who Admits to False Accusation of Having a Bomb

Aaron Dykes / JonesReport April 27, 2007

Two persons identifying themselves as New York police officers interrupted a 9/11 Truth demonstration-- on a public sidewalk in front of the new WTC 7 Building-- to intimidate free speech, stating "Larry [Silverstein] doesn't want to hear it," before accusing We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski of having a bomb and that his cell phone was "a gun."

The officer was apparently responding to refusals to stop filming their faces as police attempted to impede free speech on behalf of Larry Silverstein-- making slanderous and knowingly false accusations:

"I think he's got a bomb in his bag. Saw wires coming out. Think he's got a bomb in there."

The police officer carried on during the encounter, saying "A terrorist act-- I guess they go away for about 30 days."

Rudkowski tell him he is not a terrorist and that he is an American citizen. The officer responds, "You're right. But by the time the government figures it out, you'll be in the hole for 30 days."


The officer made the statements on camera with a notable smirk, and made no attempt to distance himself or other witnesses from any physical danger (as he would have done he actually believed the activist had a bomb). The officer went on to give away his criminal behavior-- still on tape, despite ongoing demands he and the other officer made that the cameras be shut off.

Alex Jones commented, "We have New York police ON TAPE threatening to frame someone for terrorism in a nonchalant fashion. How bad would it have gotten if there were no cameras around? If they'll talk like this ON CAMERA, heaven help us."

People are arrested every day for joking about bombs or making other bomb references, even if it is clearly not meant to be serious.

This man identified himself as a police officer and accused Rudkowski of 'having a bomb' and 'being a terrorist' to silence his free speech for Larry Silverstein. It is a serious federal and state crime to publicly state that someone has a bomb and is a terrorist when not true-- like extreme example of yelling fire in a theatre-- and needs to be prosecuted.

Such knowingly misleading and false information is not only malicious and immoral, but has been made specifically illegal under the Anti-Hoax Terrorism Act of 2003-- and expanded for more stringency in 2004 and the Terrorism Prevention Act of 2006, not to mention long-standing protections against defamation and public endangerment. There are also many state and local laws prohibiting such activity.

This man who identified himself as a police officer insisted that Rudkowski and other members of WeAreChange.org must cease videotaping him.

Based on this video evidence alone, this officer should receive a prison sentence and would be liable for civil damages as well-- not only to the wronged demonstrator, but by law enforcement for a dangerous waste of resources, as cited by Ted Kennedy's commentary regarding expansion:

"In addition, this measure expands civil liability to allow federal and state governments to seek reimbursement from someone who knows that emergency personnel are responding to a hoax and fails to inform authorities that no such event has occurred."

Rudkowski was not only intimidated by the corrupt and criminal officer, but his camera was confiscated. Shortly afterwards, police also confiscated his cell phone, claiming that it was "a gun," according to Rudkowski.

The detective also snickered and "sang"tauntingly at Rudkowski, "Guess who's going to jail? Guess who's going to jail?"

Luke was not arrested, but was detained for over an hour while police deliberated over whether take further action.

The Face of IntimidationThe Face of Ridicule
This officer makes equal attempts to intimidate and ridicule Rudkowski.

Luke Rudkowski told the perpetrating policeman that his statements were "slanderous," denying ridiculous accusations that he was a terrorist.

The officer again responded, "I saw wires. You look like a terrorist. I don't know what a terrorist looks like. You may be a terrorist for all I know...You've made threats; now I'm concerned."

It is obvious from the recorded video that the demonstration was peaceful, no laws were broken and no threats were made. It is also clear that the reason he approached the group did not regard suspicion of threatening behavior, but to tell them that "Larry didn't want to hear it."

The levels of betrayal against the First Amendment of the Constitution are so absurd and violate the basic tenants of original intent, they can only be compared with gross violations by the enforcement officers of the police state apparent, such as that with Abby Newman (as seen below, from 9/11: The Road to Tyranny). Egregious misinterpretation and abuse perpetrated by the very members of society supposedly in place to guarantee our freedoms.

Abby Newman was arrested for not showing ID in August 2000 and fell victim to an illegal vehicle search in which police found items of subversive literature, including a "pocket Constitution."

One officer asked the other "Is this legal?" (Case in point, where the very society of freedom is violated by the system that regulates that society.)

But that has become all too common in the police state. A Christian group in Philadelphia was arrested in 2004 and charged with counts of criminal conspiracy, ethnic intimidation and riot for "praying, singing and reading scripture during an annual 'gay pride' event. Of course, the question here is not one of Christianity vs. homosexuality, but the criminal prosecution of free speech. The eroding inherent right threatens the freedom of Christians, homosexuals, pink-and-polka dotted people, and other groups who were previously guaranteed protection of their voices-- whether right or wrong, embarrassing, hateful or supportive, blasphemous, sinful or true.

An attorney in Portland, Oregon was falsely arrested under anti-terrorism laws shortly after the 2004 Madrid bombings.

Even in Canada, where limitations such as "reasonable" are pitted against guarantees of free speech, people are granted 'fundamental freedoms' to "thought, belief, opinion and expression."

Yet a protestor demonstrating outside the 2006 Bilderberg conference in Ottawa, Don McCormick was kidnapped by an "Integrated National Security Enforcement Team" who detained him, kicked him and psychologically tortured him-- including threats that they would "cut off his arms."-- all this after being warned not to return to the protest the previous day.

Though McCormick was accused of "trying to blow up the Brookstreet Hotel"-- just as Rudkowski was accused of being a terrorist with a bomb-- he was guilty only of holding a picket sign and being critical of the secretive and manipulative group.

Just as McCormick's free speech was violated, intimidated and labeled as terroristic at the behest and for the benefit of the Bilderberg group, Rudkowski's speech was threatened on behalf of Larry Silverstein-- who apparently wanted to silence discuss of 9/11 and WTC Building 7 through bullying threats.

This is not Rudkowski's first encounter with harassment, intimidation and denials to the rights of free speech. During a speech by Zbigniew Brzezinski, security denied his free speech rights as a member of the press and attempted to confiscate his video tape, despite the fact that he declared his press position. Rudkowski serves as a free lance reporter for GCN Live! Radio (nationally-syndicated), and websites such as Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, among others.

Recently the We Are Change group, which Rudkowski founded and remains involved in, was harassed by police outside ABC Studios during a peaceful demonstration of support for Rosie's public assertion of 9/11 Truth.

Free speech is no longer guaranteed under the de facto shadow government that has hijacked the formerly legitimate government of this once great nation. In fact, the threats are widespread-- all the more so on the front lines 'who dare call it treason.'

Luke Rudkowski can be contacted through WeAreChange.org. He has put out a call for legal defense-- Contact luke if you can provide legal aid or identify any of the officers in this video. Stand up to tyranny and criminal violations of basic, inherent rights.

Aaron Dykes can be contacted at aaron@infowars.com

Michael Meacher and Andreas Von Bülow express their serious doubts about 9/11

9/11 Special - Dutch Television Documentary

Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.

“Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack? Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.”

Michael Meacher - MP - Former UK Government Minister. "The war on terror is bogus"

Andreas Von Bulow, Former German Secretary Of Defense "The official story is so inadequate and far fetched that there must be a different one"

Propagande de guerre, propagande de paix

À partir de la façon dont nos médias ont relaté les conflits en Irak entre 1991 et 2003, ce film énumère les principes généraux de la propagande de guerre et ses prolongements en temps de paix.

Des intellectuels américains et européens, par le jeu de leurs regards croisés, nous permettent de comprendre les enjeux médiatiques -et idéologiques- des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Propagande de guerre Propagande de paix

Un écrivain, Jean Bricmont, deux historiennes, Anne Morelli et Annie Lacroix-Riz, un expert militaire, le Général Forget, et une journaliste, Diana Johnstone, comparent ces thèmes de propagande en Irak avec ceux développés lors d'autres conflits, tels celui de 1914-18, les coups de force hitlériens des années '30, les guerres de Yougoslavie ou celle d'Afghanistan.

Babes in bikinis say it like it is

Bush - The Jesus Factor - The Faith Based Initiative

How George Bush and fellow right wing neocons purposely lie to and manipulate the Jesus freaks and religious zealots (as he calls them)

UK Govt official on 9/11 being an INSIDE JOB

UK Government official on the smokescreen to allow America to control the world's oil supply, pretext of 9/11 to launch wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (which were planned anyway). Mysteries of September 11, why the US seemed to let it happen on purpose.

dimanche, avril 29, 2007

Neil Young: Let's Impeach The President

Drawing The Lord of the Rings - Time Lapse Painting

Arte Fusion is the process of drawing and painting a picture with speed. In this case we can see an image of "The Lord of the Rings" with the fabulous music of FatBoy Slim

samedi, avril 28, 2007

La "Sarkophobie" Est Un Antisémitisme ?

Cette semaine, "Le Point" décline, pour la promotion de Nicolas Sarkozy, un argument qui pose définitivement ce noble hebdomadaire en organe central de la finesse et de la dignité: la "sarkophobie" (le mot, soyeux, est du taulier, Franz-Olivier Giesbert) est un racisme.

C'est Giesbert qui ouvre le bal, dans son éditorial.
Comme (presque) toujours, il se porte au secours de Nicolas Sarkozy, qui vient de sortir grand vainqueur du premier tour de la présidentielle.
Giesbert fait alors ce que font souvent les gens qui se positionnent du côté du manche en se rêvant un destin de héros de la dissidence: il essaie de nous convaincre qu'il y aurait une espèce de hardiesse à se lover au creux de la puissance dominante.
En l'occurence, il présente Nicolas Sarkozy comme la victime d'un harcèlement odieux, et lance - plus c'est gros, plus ça passe: "Rarement un candidat à la présidence aura été sali à ce point pendant une campagne. Traité de fasciste, d'eugéniste, d'étranger et même de fou, Nicolas Sarkozy a été l'objet, de surcroît, d'une campagne personnelle de basses eaux, particulièrement dans la blogosphère, qui a fait apparaître ce qu'il faut bien appeler un lepénisme de gauche".

Il faut ici, pour bien mesurer l'ineptie du propos, se rappeler ce qu'a été la réalité de la campagne électorale de Nicolas Sarkozy.
Et ne jamais oublier que dans la vraie vie, Nicolas Sarkozy est devenu, au fil des semaines, pour lui piquer des voix, l'homme qui dit tout haut ce que Le Pen dit tout haut.
Un expert, Daniel Simonpieri, maire de Marignage, ex-FN, apparenté UMP, l'a d'ailleurs très clairement confirmé: "Beaucoup d'électeurs FN ont constaté que Nicolas Sarkozy disait les mêmes choses que Le Pen, mais que lui avait une chance de les mettre un jour en application. Ils ont donc voté utile".

Cela, répétons-le, c'est la réalité - précise, tangible, documentable.
Mais cette réalité ne fait pas du tout les affaires de Franz-Olivier Giesbert, qui se voit mal assumer jusqu'au bout (et comme on le comprend) la posture du gars qui passe une bonne part de son temps à supporter, sur son blog et dans son hebdo, le monsieur qui "dit les mêmes choses que Le Pen".
Alors Franz-Olivier Giesbert, très sereinement, construit une réalité-bis, de substitution, une espèce de village Potemkine, plus conforme aux élans où son coeur le porte.

Dans cette quatrième dimension, Nicolas Sarkozy ne flirte pas (du tout) avec l'extrême droite, mais des rascals puants le "salissent" en le traitant de "fasciste".

(Par parenthèse: je n'ai pas souvenir d'avoir entendu l'un(e) quelconque des autres candidat(e)s traiter Nicolas Sarkozy de "fasciste".)

Mais Giesbert ne s'arrête pas là.
Oh non.
Il ne se contente pas d'occulter que Nicolas Sarkozy dit les mêmes choses que Le Pen: par un ahurissant tour de passe-passe, il énonce, posément, que ce sont les adversaires politiques de Nicolas Sarkozy, qui pratiquent un "lepénisme de gauche".
Force est alors de le reconnaître: ce mec n'a peur de rien.
Faut quand même avoir des cojones de toro andalou, pour oser balancer avec cet aplomb stupéfiant de si gigantesques énormités...

Mais ce n'est pas tout: l'éditorial de Giesbert n'est, si j'ose dire, qu'une mise en bouche.

Le plat de résistance est caché, dans le même numéro du "Point", aux pages 80 et 81, sous la forme d'un entretien avec Max Gallo, "historien".
Titre: "Dans les urnes, Sarkozy a réussi à résister à la diabolisation".
Notez le choix des mots: "diabolisation" nous rappelle, pour le cas où nous aurions (déjà) oublié l'éditorial de Giesbert, que Nicolas Sarkozy est une pauvre petite victime - et "résister" nous suggère que cependant il tient ses rang et place, dans la clandestinité où de rudes maquisards luttent contre la tyrannie de la bien-pensance.
La rue d'Enghien, c'est le plateau des Glières, en moins accidenté.

Max Gallo pense, comme Giesbert, que: "L'aspect vraiment particulier de cette campagne, c'est la diabolisation de la personnalité de Sarkozy".
Mais Giesbert n'est que journaliste, alors que Max Gallo est fondé à trouver dans l'Histoire des précédents au (long) martyre de Nicolas Sarkozy, et ne s'en prive d'ailleurs pas: "Je ne vois pas d'autre exemple d'exécration d'une personnalité, hormis à l'égard de Jean-Marie Le Pen, depuis la haine vouée par l'OAS à de Gaulle ou celle des antisémites contre Blum".

Ne vous frottez pas les yeux: vous avez bien lu.
Ne cherchez pas les gentils messieurs en blanc dans la jolie nambulance: ils ne sont pas venus évacuer Max Gallo.

Vous avez compris le message qui se dissimule derrière l'outrance échevelée de l'"historien": les impudent(e)s qui ont le front de ne pas être pleinement d'accord avec Nicolas Sarkozy ne sont pas seulement des représentants d'un "lepénisme de gauche", mais sont carrément les héritiers de l'extrême droite nazie des années 30 (et 40).

(Nouvelle parenthèse, pour bien souligner que tout cela est dit par et chez des gens qui poussent des petits cris à chaque fois que par malheur quelqu'un dénonce les "rafles" de clandestins, oooooh, aaaaaah, iiiiiih, fi donc, rafles, comment osez-vous?
Des gens qui, toute dignité bue, toute pudeur abandonnée, sautent à pieds joints sur les barrières qu'ils ne cessent d'ériger pour les autres.)

Max Gallo, qui a trouvé là un filon prometteur, s'empresse bien évidemment de l'exploiter, avant qu'un autre penseur de renom, par l'odeur alléché, ne vienne lui piquer sa trouvaille.
Invite à préciser "la raison" de la "diabolisation de la personnalité de Sarkozy", notre historien, qui a sur notre inconscient des vues au moins aussi profondes que celles d'Alain Finkielkraut, répond (je vous jure que c'est vrai): "Un impensé, selon lequel cet homme est un étranger: étranger à une tradition politique, et d'origine étrangère, fils de Hongrois et descendant de juifs de Salonique".


C'est (enfin) dit assez nettement: la sarkophobie est un racisme.
Impensé, il est vrai.
Mais un racisme.
Avec de gros morceaux d'antisémitisme - puisque, nous explique le bon docteur Gallo, les "adversaires" de Nicolas Sarkozy, ces gens qui se comportent avec le boss de l'UMP comme naguère "des antisémites contre Léon Blum", voient en lui, confusément, un "descendant de juifs de Salonique"...
(Troisième parenthèse, pour dire, quand même, que je me demande un peu ce qui se passe dans le cerveau du gars, même historien, qui éprouve soudain le besoin de sonder l'ascendance d'un concitoyen jusqu'à lui trouver de possibles origines juives?
Je croyais - j'espérais - que nous ne verrions plus ce genre de chose?)

Je vous prie: un peu d'attention.

Nos intellectuels sarkozystes viennent de faire un tour de cadran.
L'"argument" (intelligent et courageux) de l'antisémitisme leur a déjà (beaucoup) servi.
Rappelez-vous: qui ne soutenait pas inconditionnellement les guerres du gouvernement israélien était antisémite, qui ne soutenait pas inconditionnellement les guerres du gouvernement étatsunien était antisémite, qui osait critiquer un peu vivement les médias était antisémite, et qui écrivait "La Misère du monde" était antisémite.
Mais c'est dit aujourd'hui sans plus aucun détour: les adversaires politiques de Nicolas Sarkozy font directement preuve d'une certaine forme, impensée, d'antisémitisme.
La boucle est bouclée...

Ne pas s'y tromper.
Ne pas se méprendre.
Ce qui se passe là est une première application concrète, strictement politicienne, d'une entreprise de subversion de la réalité qui permet de présenter les gens qui n'aiment pas que Nicolas Sarkozy dise les mêmes choses que Le Pen comme de lointains (mais pas si lointains que ça) héritiers du nazisme.
(C'est couillu, venant d'intellectuels qui par ailleurs prétendent réglementer l'usage du mot "fascisme".)

La manoeuvre est habile, qui permet aussi, une saloperie ne va pas sans l'autre, de traîner dans la boue la gauche antiraciste / antifasciste (qui ne cesse de mettre des petits bâtons dans les jolies roues de George W. Bush et de son clone hexagonal), en la présentant comme raciste et antisémite.

La manoeuvre est habile, enfin, qui permet au passage aux amis de Sarko de s'exonérer de leurs propres errements.
Comme ce "philosophe" qui énonce, avant de compter des Noirs, que l'antiracisme est un antisémitisme - puis lâche que l'antiracisme sera le nouveau "communisme".
Comme cet "écrivain" qui, après avoir compté des Juifs, répète que l'antiracisme est un communisme de type soviétique.
Comme ce "politologue" aussi, qui soutient que l'antifascisme est un "terrorisme" (intellectuel)...

L'édito délirant de Giesbert et l'affreuse divagation de Max Gallo ne sont pas nés de rien, mais d'une "pensée" qui prospère depuis trop longtemps - sous le couvert d'un iconoclasme à deux balles.
Cela pourrait, d'une certaine manière, nous rassurer.
Si, si.
Car cela signifie que cette "pensée" a fini par s'exténuer - faute, et pour cause, d'arguments sérieux - et qu'elle n'existe plus que dans l'anathème grotesque, et dans le déni de réalité.
(Big Brother: "La guerre c'est la paix"; l'antiracisme, c'est le racisme.)

Mais voilà: il y a encore une presse (et une édition), pour diffuser la triste prose d'une réaction épuisée - en passe d'être enfin démasquée.
Une presse, pour donner encore de l'écho à ce qu'il faut bien considérer comme des insultes.
Max Gallo: "Plutôt que d'une lepénisation de Sarkozy, je crois juste de parler d'une lepénisation de ses adversaires".

Max Gallo.
Tu sais ce qu'ils te disent, les "adversaires" de Nicolas Sarkozy?

vendredi, avril 27, 2007

Sen. Mike Gravel at SC Debates 04/26/07

Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska won Best of Show at the Presidential Debate in South Carolina.

Ex-MI5 Annie Machon on 9/11 Truth

Annie Machon, along with her partner David Shayler, spent over 5 years working as intelligence officers for MI5, the UK security service. During their years at the heart of Britain's secret state, they saw an alarming catalogue of mistakes, cover-ups and crimes, which led to the deaths of innocent people.

In particular, David had personal experience of a major false-flag terrorist operation. His counterparts in MI6 officially briefed him on a plot to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi of Libya. This consisted of MI6 officers paying associates of Bin Laden over $100,000 in an illegal operation which was not sanctioned by the British government. The attack went wrong and innocent people died.

In the wake of this operation David and Annie left MI5 and blew the whistle. As a result they have spent 3 years on the run and in hiding in Europe, seen friends, family, and journalists arrested and persecuted, and David has been to prison, not once, but twice. Further intelligence has since emerged that proves the Gaddafi plot went ahead as they described, but the British government continues to refuse to hold an inquiry. They see the Gaddafi plot as one of a sequence of false-flag terrorist operations designed to give the UK and USA the pretext to attack oil-rich Middle Eastern countries. Annie will be addressing the conference on this and other examples of the crimes of the intelligence services.

hijacking catastrophe

hijacking catastrophe. Truths about the INside Job that was orchestrated by BushCo and Cheney/Halliburton on September 11, 2001.

La génétique du fachisme.

The New World Order For Kid

Futurama - puce - nouvel ordre mondial - Microchip

jeudi, avril 26, 2007

4hero - The Awakening

web only video for 'The Awakening' featuring Ursula Rucker, taken from the 4hero album 'Play With The Changes' released 2007. video by Judd Brett. www.4hero.co.uk

mercredi, avril 25, 2007


CNN Video - War With Iran Has Begun

U.S. Special Forces conducting military operations inside Iran now !!
U.S. Naval Forces have been alerted for deployment according to TIME magazine !!
Pentagon Iranian War Plans on Bush's desk !!
Bush conducting military operations without Congressional approval or oversight !!

All of this was expected - so no Big Surprise, Right ??

Special Agent Wolf Blitzer tries to play down what Col. Gardiner is emphatically saying, but Blitzer looks like the CIA-Brown-Nosing twerp that he is, it doesn't work. Cat is out of the bag. America What are you going to do about it ????

Bush is a damn war-mongering liar - IMPEACH AND REMOVE NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW !!

Col. Gardiner states that phase 1 in operation and that Iran has already captured some operatives. He also states that war was chosen more than 18 months ago.

Watch out for possible hub-bub at the UN tomorrow (TUESDAY Sept. 19th)!!

mardi, avril 24, 2007


rumsfeld playing nice with saddam

Donald Rumsfield met with Saddam Hussein twice. Once to sell him missiles, and the second time to sell him computer technology to better target those weapons.

lundi, avril 23, 2007


23/04/2007 à Dijon, 2eme tour des élections présidentielles.
Metting de Nicolas Sarkozy.

May 10-18: Nuclear terror drills Ardent Sentry in Indiana

Ardent Sentry/Northern Edge/Vigilant Guard 07: Yet another "simulated" detonation of a 10-kiloton nuclear weapon. These drills are run by NORTHCOM, JTFCOM, and Indiana police. Lets warn the public and stop a "red team" from flipping the drill live. (With analysis by Dan Abrahamson) (more)

Ron Paul - Gulf of Tonkin

Congressman Ron Paul warns of a contrived incident to provoke war with Iran, a "Gulf of Tonkin" type incident, January 11, 2006.

Brzezinski predicts provoking war with Iran.

It looks like Brzezinski is indirectly accusing Bush administration of preparing a provocation or even a false flag terrorist act in order to have a pretext to attack Iran (as noticed by wsws.org).

PBS, February 1, 2007
Brzezinski before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "The plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the United States blamed on Iran, culminating in a, quote, unquote, "defensive" U.S. military action against Iran, that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan."

Rumsfeld admits that "Flight 93" was shot down



Aaron Dykes / JonesReport | April 22, 2007

Senator John Kerry was questioned concerning 9/11 during an appearance at Book People in Austin, Texas. Members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now asked Kerry about the officially unexplained collapse of WTC Building 7."

Kerry responded:

"I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion."

Preparing to demolish even a moderate sized building takes weeks of preparation; a building as large as WTC 7-- a 47- story skyscraper-- must have taken at least as long. Therefore, the idea that the building was demolished in response to fires spread from the Twin Towers is not a satisfactory response, as the building could not have been set up for unexpected demolition in only a few hours, much less while fires burned inside.

dimanche, avril 22, 2007

Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Laundering

Michael Ruppert from FromTheWilderness.com confronts Bill Clinton's CIA Director John Deutch about the CIA's involvement in cocaine smuggling. He goes further in this documentary in detail about how exactly drug money is laundered into Wall Street. He concludes that 9/11 was orchestrated as a pretense to further Wall Street's cause of laundering opium money from Afghanistan and America's conquest in securing the world's natural resources in the face of PEAK OIL.

Killer Dolphins - Crazy Genetic science

Olbermann - Bush's legacy: The president who cried wolf

Olbermann: Bush's strategy fails because it depends on his credibility

vendredi, avril 20, 2007

Bush being Bush

Bush babbling at town hall meeting

Noble Resolve 07: April 23-27, nuclear terror drills in USA

Y Josh Rogin
Published on April 4, 2007 After modeling every building in Baghdad in virtual space, U.S. Joint Forces Command is turning its technology and attention to a much closer location: the Tidewater area of Southern Virginia. JFCOM will soon begin using its highly advanced modeling and simulation environment for homeland security scenarios.

Noble Resolve, a series of experiments beginning April 23 in Suffolk, Va., is a follow-on to the Urban Resolve experiments JFCOM ran in 2006. The effort will bring together JFCOM, Northern Command, the Homeland Security Department and the commonwealth of Virginia to model responses to a terrorist attack. Scenarios involve a 10-kiloton nuclear bomb headed to Virginia from a foreign country.

“We’re taking what we learned with the overseas environment and bringing that back to the U.S.,” said Navy Capt. John Kersh, head of the Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate’s Joint Context and Homeland Defense Department. JFCOM’s Unified Quest 2006 war game also shaped Noble Resolve by identifying issues associated with a “loose nuke” coming from overseas, he said.

Noble Resolve will examine how to deter, prevent and respond to a nuclear attack on the United States. At one point in the experiments, the bomb will explode inside the simulation, Kersh said. Noble Resolve will also strive to create processes for interactions among local, state, national and international officials, he added.

In 2006, JFCOM led the Urban Resolve 2015 experiments. The largest modeling and simulation system ever built, UR2015 included more than 2 million individually simulated objects interacting in Baghdad in the year 2015. UR2015 was used to test current, future, and experimental strategies and technologies for fighting in an urban environment based on present and anticipated threats.

UR2015 brought together dozens of military simulations in a federated architecture. The Army’s Omni Fusion simulation, which models their Future Combat System, was part of UR2015. Northern Command will follow the same inclusive, open approach.

Under the architecture, new simulations can be added to increase the system’s overall power. For example, the system could also predict damage from floods and hurricanes using the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s blast effects model, officials said.

“We’re associating all of these modeling and simulating [techniques] for homeland defense… we’re building a confederation,” Kersh said.

Key to Urban Resolve and Noble Resolve is a technology called the Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation that was developed by a team at Purdue University. SEAS attempts to model nonkinetic effects of military operations in a civilian setting, or PMESII factors. The acronym stands for political, military, economic, social, infrastructure and information effects.

The first part of Noble Resolve will take place between April 23 and 27. In August, Noble Resolve 2 will coordinate with officials in Oregon to model a nuclear attack on Portland. Both efforts are in preparation for DHS' Top Officials exercise in October.

JFCOM officials have said they plan to build intricate models of more cities. The goal is a fully functioning virtual model of the entire world, known as the Sentient Worldwide Simulation. The simulation, still in the conceptual stage, is envisioned as a “synthetic mirror of the real world” that will automatically follow real events in real time, according to the concept paper.

jeudi, avril 19, 2007

Sarkozy par lui-même

Enregistrement de Nicolas Sarkozy avec Rachida Dati à Place Bauveau en février 2007 auquelles étaient conviées des associations du 92. Les médias officiels n'étaient pas conviés.

Une réunion à laquelle était présente juste après que le Ministre de l'Interieur ne se soit pas déplacé comme prévu en banlieue dans le 92.

La vidéo a été filmée pour une web tv sur la culture
urbaine qui vas se lancer très prochainement: Icetreamtv. Cette chaine appartient à l'association Grignywood du quartier de la Grande Borne.

Elle provient d'un montage fait à partir d'environ 30mn de rush. Le montage a été fait pour éviter les longueurs mais en aucun cas de manière à faire dire à Sarkozy le contraire de ce qu'il a dit lors de cette réunion.

Le plan est fixe afin de protéger l'identité des membres des autres associations présentes qui n'étaient pas au courant que la caméra tournait.

Devant le refus des chaines de tv de diffuser le document qui a pourtant un intéret, nous avons décidé de le faire passer sur internet.

Joseph Macé-Scaron dénonce SARKOZY

Joseph Macé-Scaron révèle qu'il a été «démissionné» du Figaro à cause de Nicolas Sarkozy !
Pour la première fois, le directeur adjoint de Marianne - ancien directeur du Figaro-Magazine, a révélé, lundi 16 avril, sur RTL qu'il a été « démissionné » du Figaro pour avoir refusé de céder aux pressions sarkozystes. Face à l'avocat Rodolf Bosselut qui prend la défense du candidat de l'UMP, Joseph Macé-Scaron témoigne et dénonce les menaces exercées par Nicolas Sarkozy sur l'ensemble des journalistes politiques.

Amy Goodman watches WTC-7 Implode, in person

From google video: Who told the fireman, cop, and Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!" that WTC-7 was going to implode??? Why were Ms. Goodman and many other people pre-assembled to see the building drop about a mile north of the site??? Who provided them with this inexplicable foreknowledge??? Why has Ms. Goodman never explained any of this, despite the fact that she can be seen running & yelling, "Oh God!", as WTC-7 falls in a controlled demolition???

Amy Goodman Interrupted

Questions to Amy Goodman about 911

mercredi, avril 18, 2007

If Americans Knew

An Entirely Different World of Reality than Bush and Cheney

"You can listen to simplistic statements of the administration, appealing to emotion and fear, or you can take an analytical approach and see the reality of the world. I live in an entirely different world of reality than President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other members of the administration." - Brig. Gen. John Johns (Ret.) U.S. Army

mardi, avril 17, 2007

Tina Richards Arrested outside of Pelosi's office 4/16/07

Marine Mom Arrested at Speaker Pelosi's Washington, DC Office

By Kevin Zeese

Today, Monday, April 16, 2007, Marine Mom Tina Richards was arrested at Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. She was seeking to deliver a letter on behalf of a "Women's Delegation for Peace" (see letter below with bios of the delegation members).

The event was organized by Code Pink to welcome Congress back and urge an end to the war. Also participating were members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Vets for Peace, Voters For Peace, Iraqi Voices for Peace, Democracy Rising, Washington Peace Center, Grassroots America (Tina Richard's educational organization) and other organizations and individuals.
The arrest occurred in the hallway outside of the Speaker's office as the delegation was protesting the media being forced to leave the Speaker's office. Advocates reacted by reading the First Amendment of the Constitution, "Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of the Press," and were shouting that phrase as well as urging an end to the war.

As she was being arrested Tina Richards said: "The Democrats should not buy Bush's war. They should fulfill the mandate the voters gave them in November 2006 to end the war and not extend it. Bring our troops home now."

Her fellow anti-war advocates urged the police not to arrest the Marine mom, whose son, Cloy has served two tours of duty in Iraq and has been found by the VA to be 80% disabled. They described the arrest as "un-American" and urged the police to not arrest someone who was merely speaking out against the war within her rights under the Constitution.

lundi, avril 16, 2007

Puppetji vs The Secret

April 14, Tandogan - Ankara

Around 1,000,000 Turks protest against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan standing for presidential because of his Islamist roots.

Despite the media cencor, despite the islamist AKP administration, millions marched for secular Türkiye.

9/11 Revisited v.2

September 11th Revisited v.2 is a follow up to perhaps the most riveting film ever made about the destruction of the World Trade Center. ... all » This is a powerful documentary which features eyewitness accounts and archived news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 but never replayed on television. Featuring interviews with eyewitnesses & firefighters, along with expert analysis by Professor Steven E. Jones, Professor David Ray Griffin, MIT Engineer Jeffrey King, and Professor James H. Fetzer.


A "bunch of hackers" gang together to make a colourful display for Gary Mckinnon, a UK hacker who was sentanced to be extradited to the USA from Bow Street Magistrates court. Gary is currently waiting on an appeal.

McKinnon tells all

Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up'

Watch an extended version of the interview, lasting 16 minutes
In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested by the UK's national high-tech crime unit, after being accused of hacking into Nasa and the US military computer networks.
He says he spent two years looking for photographic evidence of alien spacecraft and advanced power technology.

America now wants to put him on trial, and if tried there he could face 60 years behind bars.

Banned from using the internet, Gary spoke to Click presenter Spencer Kelly to tell his side of the story, ahead of his extradition hearing on Wednesday, 10 May. You can read what he had to say here.

Spencer Kelly: Here's your list of charges: you hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and Nasa, amongst other things. Why?

Gary McKinnon: I was in search of suppressed technology, laughingly referred to as UFO technology. I think it's the biggest kept secret in the world because of its comic value, but it's a very important thing.

Old-age pensioners can't pay their fuel bills, countries are invaded to award oil contracts to the West, and meanwhile secretive parts of the secret government are sitting on suppressed technology for free energy.

SK: How did you go about trying to find the stuff you were looking for in Nasa, in the Department of Defense?

GM: Unlike the press would have you believe, it wasn't very clever. I searched for blank passwords, I wrote a tiny Perl script that tied together other people's programs that search for blank passwords, so you could scan 65,000 machines in just over eight minutes.

SK: So you're saying that you found computers which had a high-ranking status, administrator status, which hadn't had their passwords set - they were still set to default?

GM: Yes, precisely.

SK: Were you the only hacker to make it past the slightly lower-than-expected lines of defence?

GM: Yes, exactly, there were no lines of defence. There was a permanent tenancy of foreign hackers. You could run a command when you were on the machine that showed connections from all over the world, check the IP address to see if it was another military base or whatever, and it wasn't.

The General Accounting Office in America has again published another damning report saying that federal security is very, very poor.

SK: Over what kind of period were you hacking into these computers? Was it a one-time only, or for the course of a week?

A bird or a plane?... Gary was not able to get a picture of what he saw
GM: Oh no, it was a couple of years.

SK: And you went unnoticed for a couple of years?

GM: Oh yes. I used to be careful about the hours.

SK: So you would log on in the middle of the night, say?

GM: Yes, I'd always be juggling different time zones. Doing it at night time there's hopefully not many people around. But there was one occasion when a network engineer saw me and actually questioned me and we actually talked to each other via WordPad, which was very, very strange.

SK: So what did he say? And what did you say?

GM: He said "What are you doing?" which was a bit shocking. I told him I was from Military Computer Security, which he fully believed.

SK: Did you find what you were looking for?

GM: Yes.

SK: Tell us about it.

GM: There was a group called the Disclosure Project. They published a book which had 400 expert witnesses ranging from civilian air traffic controllers, through military radar operators, right up to the chaps who were responsible for whether or not to launch nuclear missiles.

They are some very credible, relied upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there's anti-gravity, there's free energy, and it's extra-terrestrial in origin, and we've captured spacecraft and reverse-engineered it.

SK: What did you find inside Nasa?

GM: One of these people was a Nasa photographic expert, and she said that in building eight of Johnson Space Centre they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. What she said was there was there: there were folders called "filtered" and "unfiltered", "processed" and "raw", something like that.

I got one picture out of the folder, and bearing in mind this is a 56k dial-up, so a very slow internet connection, in dial-up days, using the remote control programme I turned the colour down to 4bit colour and the screen resolution really, really low, and even then the picture was still juddering as it came onto the screen.

But what came on to the screen was amazing. It was a culmination of all my efforts. It was a picture of something that definitely wasn't man-made.

It was above the Earth's hemisphere. It kind of looked like a satellite. It was cigar-shaped and had geodesic domes above, below, to the left, the right and both ends of it, and although it was a low-resolution picture it was very close up.

This thing was hanging in space, the earth's hemisphere visible below it, and no rivets, no seams, none of the stuff associated with normal man-made manufacturing.

SK: Is it possible this is an artist's impression?

GM: I don't know... For me, it was more than a coincidence. This woman has said: "This is what happens, in this building, in this space centre". I went into that building, that space centre, and saw exactly that.

SK: Do you have a copy of this? It came down to your machine.

GM: No, the graphical remote viewer works frame by frame. It's a Java application, so there's nothing to save on your hard drive, or at least if it is, only one frame at a time.

SK: So did you get the one frame?

GM: No.

SK: What happened?

GM: Once I was cut off, my picture just disappeared.

SK: You were actually cut off the time you were downloading the picture?

GM: Yes, I saw the guy's hand move across.

SK: You acknowledge that what you did was against the law, it was wrong, don't you?

GM: Unauthorised access is against the law and it is wrong.

SK: What do you think is a suitable punishment for someone who did what you did?

GM: Firstly, because of what I was looking for, I think I was morally correct. Even though I regret it now, I think the free energy technology should be publicly available.

I want to be tried in my own country, under the Computer Misuse Act, and I want evidence brought forward, or at least want the Americans to have to provide evidence in order to extradite me, because I know there is no evidence of damage.

Nasa told Click that it does not discuss computer security issues or legal matters. It denied it would ever manipulate images in order to deceive and said it had a policy of open and full disclosure, adding it had no direct evidence of extra-terrestrial life.



You must master the chi!

Taoism is the English name for a variety of related Chinese religious and philosophical traditions . These traditions influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread internationally.[1] Taoist propriety and ethics emphasize the Three Jewels of the Tao; love, moderation, humility. Taoist thought focuses on wu wei ("non-action"), spontaneity, humanism, relativism and emptiness.

9/11: The last minutes of WTC-2 (beta)

Some accounts on the explosions, fireballs and controlled demolition style "collaps" inside WTC-2.

dimanche, avril 15, 2007

Open Complicity: Anatomy of the 9/11 Cover-Up

This is a 9/11 doc for the advanced class. It starts off with the defeat of the official story as point of departure, then examines ... all » specific anomalies and advances a theory to explain their presence. Much of this material is not discussed in other films. The film supports a particular conclusion which you are invited to discuss at annarbor911truth dot com.

The first part talks about insider trading which is rather dry since there is no video footage to go with it, but stay with it--by the end you will amazed!


"Jet-Man" : Yves Rossy (from Switzerland) is the first man ever to be able to fly following Icare's dream, with true wings and a jet-pack. Visit www.jet-man.com

samedi, avril 14, 2007

Professor Steven Jones on MSNBC

Steven Jones on "The Situation Room" with Tucker Carlson. Why won't Tucker play the Professor's clip? Why does he keep trying to change the subject every time Building 7 is mentioned?

The Arab League - Deathstar

Hip hop straight from hiphophistan...

jeudi, avril 12, 2007

Alive in Joberg by Neill Blomkamp Spyfilms

Interesting short film by director Neill Blomkamp (Citroen transformer ad) of Spyfilms.com. He is now the director of the new Halo movie.

Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge

Allegations of FBI foreknowledge
In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad A. Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to bomb the towers as early as February 6, 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of the hundreds of possible suspects.

Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. [4] He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers; reported by Ralph Blumenthal in the New York Times, Oct. 28, 1993, secton A,Page 1.

Water Car Inventor Murdered

South Park 9/11 Truth

Bill O'Reilly reports on JFK Assassinations Committee

Bill O'Reilly, when he was on Inside Edition, reports on Oswald's association with the CIA.

Gee Bill, here you are spouting a conspiracy theory! That's unamerican. Why do you hate this country, you two-faced hypocrite?

I'm not saying that you should be fired. I'm saying that Fox News has a BIG problem.

Just when was it that you turned to the dark side? (more)

Faithless - BOMBS

if I don't get out of this I I wish, I just want you to know that I really really love you.

So much more than I thought this world could ever hold
So much more than I thought this world could ever hold

We think we're heroes, we think we're kings
We plan all kinds of fabulous things
Oh look how great we have become

Key in the door, the moment I've been longing for
Before my bag hit the floor
My adorable children rush up screaming for a kiss,
and a story, they're a gift to this world
My only claim to glory
I surely never knew sweeter days
Blows my mind like munitions
I'm amazed

So much heaven, so much hell
So much love, so much pain
So much more than I thought this world could ever contain
So much war, so much soul
Moments lost, moments go
So much more than I thought this world can ever hold
We're just children, we're just dust
We are small and we are lost
And we're nothing, nothing at all

One bomb, the whole block gone
Can't find me children and dust covers the sun
Everywhere is noise, panic and confusion
But to some, another fun day in Babylon
I'm gonna bury my wife and dig up my gun
My life is done so now I got to kill someone

Coerced Confessions No Good from Iran But OK from the FBI?

Coerced confessions were involved in two different stories I saw reported last Friday, April 6.

I took my first clip comes from a story on PBS's NewsHour about the release of British sailors from Iran that you can find in its entirety at: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/jan-june07/soldiers_04-06.html

My second clip comes from a KXTV channel 10 story on the new trial hearing in the Hamid Hayat case that you can find in its entirety at: http://www.news10.net/display_story.aspx?storyid=26350
My third clip comes from a PBS Frontline story from last year that you can see in its entirety at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/enemywithin/view/

And, finally, the quote from the Atlantic article referenced in my video is available at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/enemywithin/view/

So You're Living in a Police State

Stephen Colbert at his best.

mercredi, avril 11, 2007


"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
- David Rockefeller

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
-David Rockefeller, from his autobiography "Memoirs"

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries"
- David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
- Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.
-Mikhail Gorbachev Nov. 2,1987 address to the Soviet Poltiburo.

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis by original compiler], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
-Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992
Bilderburgers meeting

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened"
-Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate

No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."

-David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

F-A-F Coming soon in French

L'histoire cachée des relations franco-américaines
par Pierre Hillard

Mondialisation.ca, Le 25 mars 2007
Observatoire de l'Europe - 2007-03-23
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Voici l'histoire d'une Fondation très puissante et largement méconnue: la French American Foundation (FAF) dont le but de resserer les liens franco-américains dans tous les domaines. Cette Fondation dispose de deux sièges: New-York et Paris. Son influence est considérable si l'on en juge par ses dirigeants, ses appuis financiers et ses cadres. On y est surpris de découvrir les noms de certaines personnalités françaises.Lors de sa visite aux Etats-Unis, Nicolas Sarkozy prononça un discours, le 12 septembre 2006, à la French American Foundation (FAF, la « Fondation franco-américaine »). Rappelant la nécessité de « rebâtir la relation transatlantique (…) et de favoriser la constitution d’une Europe politique forte et influente sur la scène internationale »[1], le prétendant à l’Elysée a dû ravir par ces propos les dirigeants de cette Fondation largement méconnue. L’étude de celle-ci est pourtant profitable afin de mieux saisir les liens ô combien étroits qui lient les élites franco-américaines. La FAF doit son origine aux actions de trois éminents américains[2] : James G. Lowenstein, membre entre autres du Council on Foreign Relations (le CFR) où s’élabore la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis et dont l’équivalent britannique est le Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA dit Chatham House) ; James Chace, directeur de la rédaction de Foreign Affairs, revue du CFR et de Nicholas Wahl, professeur de science politique et fin connaisseur de la classe dirigeante française lui permettant des contacts en particulier avec le Général de Gaulle et Michel Debré[3]. S’appuyant dans les années 1970 sur tout un réseau[4] des milieux politiques, des affaires, de la presse et universitaires français comme Olivier Chevrillon, un des fondateurs de la revue le Point ; Pierre Jouven, président de Péchiney ; Jean-Louis Gergorin (futur membre du comité exécutif d’EADS) et Thierry de Montbrial (futur président de l’Institut français des relations internationales, l’IFRI) co-dirigeants à l’époque le Centre d’analyse et de prévision (le CAP) du ministère des Affaires étrangères de 1973 à 1984, ils obtinrent l’appui officiel de Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. Ce dernier, lors d’un dîner à l’ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis, annonça la création d’une double Fondation franco-américaine, le 18 mai 1976, en accord avec le président américain Gerald Ford et le secrétaire d’Etat Henry Kissinger[5]. Ainsi, la French American Foundation (la FAF) vit le jour avec un siège à New-York et l’autre à Paris. Comme le rappellent les textes officiels : « L’objectif de la Fondation franco-américaine est de renforcer la relation franco-américaine considérée comme un élément essentiel du partenariat transatlantique »[6]. Pour accomplir cet idéal, les bonnes fées de la finance, de la grande presse, de l’université et de la politique se sont pressées autour du tout nouvel institut. Les grâces ont été particulièrement abondantes.
En effet, la branche américaine a bénéficié d’appuis inestimables. Il n’est pas possible de nommer l’intégralité des dirigeants et des contributeurs financiers en raison de la liste impressionnante des participants. Cependant, on peut relever parmi les membres anciens et nouveaux en 2007 : John D. Negroponte, plusieurs fois ambassadeurs et dont la dernière nomination se déroule à Bagdad, membre du CFR, il a été un des présidents de la FAF de New York ; Ernest-Antoine Sellière, ancien président du patronat français et européen (le MEDEF et l’UNICE) ; les anciens ambassadeurs américain en France, Félix G. Rohatyn, et François Bujon de l’Estang à Washington[7] ; ou encore l’actuel président de la FAF de New York, Nicholas Dungan[8] dont les activités se sont déployées au sein de la très atlantiste Chatham House[9]. Par ailleurs, les appuis financiers ne manquent pas puisqu’on peut relever des noms prestigieux comme David Rockfeller, fondateur de la Trilatérale et président honoraire du CFR ; Franck Carlucci, ancien secrétaire adjoint à la CIA et ancien secrétaire à la défense du président Reagan, il a été le directeur du très puissant Groupe Carlyle. Cette société d’investissements américaine est très impliquée dans l’industrie de la défense tout en étant proche de l’administration Bush. Enfin, nous pouvons relever parmi les contributeurs : EADS, l’Oréal USA ou encore la Société Générale[10].
La FAF française n’a pas à rougir de sa jumelle new-yorkaise. Dirigée au début par le président de Péchiney jusqu’en 1982, Pierre Jouven, la Fondation est présidée depuis 1997 par Michel Garcin[11], Directeur général de Hervé Consultants (spécialiste en accompagnement d’entreprises). Le Conseil de surveillance[12] réunit EADS France, BNP Paribas, la Caisse des dépôts et des représentants comme Yves de Gaulle (secrétaire général de Suez), Jean-Louis Gergorin (vice-président de la coordination stratégique chez EADS, mais dont les activités ont cessé avec l’affaire Clearstream) ou Marwan Lahoud, PDG du leader européen dans le secteur des missiles MBDA dont EADS est actionnaire à 37,5% et dont le frère Imad Lahoud a connu quelques démêlées judiciaires en liaison avec Jean-Louis Gergorin lors de l’affaire Clearstream. Enfin, nous pouvons ajouter que la FAF française est soutenue par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, le ministère de l’éducation nationale ou encore l’Institut d’Etudes politiques de Paris[13].
Cependant, l’action de la FAF est encore plus considérable en raison de sa capacité à recruter des personnes appelées à occuper de hautes fonctions. C’est dans le programme intitulé Young Leaders qu’une véritable sélection s’opère. Comme l’affirment clairement les textes officiels : « Le programme phare des Young Leaders, piloté par les deux entités (ndlr : New-York et Paris), vise à créer et à développer des liens durables entre des jeunes professionnels français et américains talentueux et pressentis pour occuper des postes clefs dans l’un ou l’autre pays »[14]. Au sein de la sélection, c’est le professeur de science politique américain et membre du CFR, Ezra Suleiman, qui fut l’unique responsable de 1981 à 1984, puis de 1994 à 2001, du recrutement des Young Leaders en France[15]. Après une sélection drastique, seuls 125 Américains et 126 Français composent les Young Leaders depuis 1981. Dans le cas de la FAF américaine, nous pouvons citer les noms suivants avec la date d’admission : Antony Blinken (1998, ancien conseiller en politique étrangère du président Clinton), Ian Brzezinski (2001, chargé aux affaires de défense de l’OTAN, fils du célèbre géopolitologue Zbigniew Brzezinski), le général Wesley K. Clark (1983, ex-commandant en chef des troupes de l’OTAN en Europe), le président Clinton (1984) et Hillary Clinton (1983, sénateur)[16]. Dans le cas de la FAF française, nous pouvons relever en particulier : Philippe Auberger (1989, député UMP), Yves Censi (2003, député UMP), Jérôme Chartier (2003, député UMP), Nicolas Dupont-Aignant (2001, député UMP, Debout la République), Alain Juppé (1981, député UMP), Eric Raoult (1994, député UMP), Valérie Pécresse (2002, député UMP), Jacques Toubon (1983, député UMP), François Hollande (1996, député socialiste), Arnaud Montebourg (2000, député socialiste), Pierre Moscovici (1996, député socialiste), Alain Richard (1981, socialiste, ancien ministre de la Défense), Henri de Castries (1994, Directeur général du groupe AXA assurances), Emmanuel Chain (1999, journaliste), Jérôme Clément (1982, Président d’ARTE), Annick Cojean (2000, journaliste au Monde), Jean-Marie Colombani (1983, Directeur de la publication du Monde), Matthieu Croissandeau (2002, rédacteur en chef adjoint du Nouvel Observateur), Jean-Louis Gergorin (1994), Bernard Guetta (1981, journaliste à France Inter), Erik Izraelewicz (1994, rédacteur en chef des Echos), Laurent Joffrin (1994, PDG de Libération), Jean-Noël Jeanneney (1983, président de la BNF), Sylvie Kaufmann (1998, journaliste au Monde), Yves de Kerdrel (2005, journaliste aux Echos), Marwan Lahoud (1999), Anne Lauvergeon (1996, présidente d’AREVA), François Léotard (1981, ancien ministre de la Défense), Alain Minc (1981), Laurent Cohen-Tanugi (1996, Sanofi-Synthélabo et membre du conseil d’administration du think tank « Notre Europe » créé par l’ancien président de la Commission Jacques Delors[17]), Christine Ockrent (1983), Olivier Nora (1995, président des Editions Grasset), Denis Olivennes (1996, président de la FNAC) … etc[18].
Une telle représentation souligne l’influence capitale qu’exerce la French-American Foundation dans les liens franco-américains[19]. Cette fondation organise aussi différentes conférences sur la défense, le journalisme, l’éducation ou la santé. Nous trouvons parmi les participants, outre les personnes citées ci-dessus, des noms bien connus comme Jean-François Copé (porte-parole du gouvernement Chirac en 2007), Michel Barnier (conseiller politique de Nicolas Sarkozy en 2007), Nicolas Beytout (Directeur de la rédaction du Figaro), le général Henri Bentegeat (chef d’Etat-major des armées) etc[20]. Tous ces colloques poursuivent, bien entendu, le but suprême de servir au mieux les intérêts de l’humanité.

Worse Than Watergate

America is facing the mother of all Constitutional crises -- and the media remains silent.

Productive Nanosystems


Un rappel de l'accusation contre les autorités Françaises d'avoir couvert les opérations des services secrets Algeriens dans des affaires de terrorisme .

Révélations sur le GIA et les services secrets Algériens.

Il s’agit certainement du plus gros coup réalisé à ce jour par 90 minutes, le magazine de la cellule d’investigation de Canal +. Au terme d’une enquête remarquable, précise, complète et extrêmement fouillée, Jean-Baptiste Rivoire et Romain Icard sont en effet parvenus à apporter pour la première fois les preuves de l’implication de la sécurité militaire algérienne dans la préparation des attentats qui frappèrent Paris en 1995.
Point de départ de cette enquête, la personnalité aujourd’hui controversée de Djamel Zitouni. A l’époque des attentats, il ne fait aucun doute que Zitouni, le chef du Groupe islamique armé (GIA), est un dangereux islamiste en lutte ouverte contre le pouvoir algérien et la France. Il est, clament alors tous les journaux, le commanditaire du détournement de l’Airbus d’Air France qui assure la liaison Alger-Marseille, ainsi que celui des attentats qui ont ensanglanté la capitale durant l’été 1995. L’ennemi c’est donc Zitouni et, dans son sillage, les intégristes algériens de tout poil.

Video of Iran's torture of Uk sailors- watch with caution!

Voices of the U.S. Military

Talking WITH the troops, not just ABOUT them.

mardi, avril 10, 2007

9-11 Justice

Regardless of how superior and compelling this excellent
18 minute video about 9/11 is, even a regular old shitbird like me from Dumbfuckistan could have made 100 more tellingly indictable points against the real terrorists in the crypto facist government that staged a silent military coup de etat against America back in the day when Lyndon Johnson told Bush Sr.,"That's the last time that son of a bitch (JFK) will make a fool out of me!", shortly before it was arranged to make L. H. Oswald, a high level FBI double agent, the patsy for Kennedy's assassination choreographed by CIA's GHWB.

The attack on America began in earnest with the first Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the second attack was planned for years in advance to enable the coup de gras in the middle east undeliverable by Bush, Sr. in the first Iraq war. Hussein and bin Laden were both agents of the US/CIA and both became patsies just like Oswald. The business and personal relationship between the Bush's and the bin Laden's is hardly a secret...right up to and including the morning of 9/11.

Watch this video, save it to your profile page, word or notepad, repost it regularly as a blog or a bulletin and make notes each time you think of another smoking gun still in the hands of the Bush administration and their secret shadow government handlers on 9/11 and in the days of outrageous spin afterwards including the 911 Commission Report and all the "conspiracy theory" debunking machinery that still spins furiously every day in mass mediea, particularly FOX, over 5 years after the fact. You should have another hundred reasons why this administration and its various governmental and corporate tentacles should be indicted, prosecuted, tried and imprisoned for ever and a day as the real 9/11 terrorists who attacked America and the world on that fateful day. I figure the 800 "detention camps" in the United States should just about hold everyone involved before, during and after the fact. If not, we can build as many more as are needed...with the "white box cars" to transport them, treasonist class.

lundi, avril 09, 2007

Giant Hole in Guatemala ?

GUATEMALA CITY -February 23, 2007- Emergency crews Saturday found a third body in a 330-foot-deep sinkhole that had swallowed a dozen homes and forced the evacuation of nearly 1,000 people in a crowded Guatemala City neighborhood.
The body of Domingo Soyos, 53, was carried out of the enormous fissure and identified by family members, medical crews said.

Soyos was the father of teenagers Irma and David Soyos, whose bodies were found floating in a river of sewage soon after the sinkhole opened Friday.

Residents said there were other people unaccounted for, but emergency crews could not confirm that.

Officials blamed recent rains and an underground sewage flow from a ruptured main for the tragedy. The pit emitted foul odors, loud noises and tremors, shaking the surrounding ground. A rush of water could be heard from its depths, and authorities feared it could widen or other sinkholes could open.

Police evacuated nearby homes and cordoned off a 500-yard perimeter around the crater. Security officials were on guard for possible looters and curious onlookers. (more)

The Yes Men : le pacte Hulot vu par Claude Goasguen (UMP)

The Yes Men se sont fait passer pour des journalistes d'une fausse chaine de télévision américaine et ont interrogé des hommes politiques qui ont cru être en direct à la télévision avec les Etats-Unis.
Le but de ce procédé était de vérifier la sincérité de leur engagement en faveur du pacte pour l’environnement de Nicolas Hulot.

Claude Goasguen, l’un des porte-parole de Nicolas Sarkozy, est le premier « test » à être diffusé sur LeLab.TV

À l’heure actuelle, 5 candidats à la Présidence de la République ont signé le Pacte Écologique de Nicolas Hulot : François Bayrou, Marie-George Buffet, Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy, Dominique Voynet. Les cinq propositions de ce pacte sont :
- La création d’un poste de vice premier ministre chargé du développement durable,
- Une taxe carbone en croissance régulière,
- Une nouvelle répartition des subventions agricoles vers une agriculture de qualité,
- La systématisation des procédures de démocratie participative et la mise en place d’une grande politique d’éducation et de sensibilisation.
- Le Pacte Écologique précise que ces mesures sont « techniquement et juridiquement applicables dès le début du mandat du nouveau Président de la République » et ajoute : « les bouleversements liés au réchauffement climatique ou aux pénuries de ressources est déjà là. (…) L’ensemble des observations scientifiques le confirme. C’est la raison première de l’urgence de la mobilisation. »

samedi, avril 07, 2007

Mumia Abu-Jamal -- G.W. in Africa?

Bush is in Africa for the same reason that he forced the invasion of Iraq — for money.

That's the new globalism, which is nothing but prettified New Age colonialism, the unbridled greed of industrial nations for more, and more of the world's wealth.

Whenever I see rich and superrich folks like Bush (and those he fronts for) talking about 'helping' poor people, I am reminded of the words of the British economist, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) who once remarked, "Capitalism is the extraordinary
belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all."

As the U.S. economy lurches towards freefall, and as manufacturing jobs flee south across the U.S. border, as cities and states slash essential services, does it seem reasonable that an American president will rush to 'help' Africans when America
faces such serious challenges?

Like a lion silently stalks his prey is how Bush stalks the African veldt. He comes, not to give, but to get. (more)