So this blogger David Gidcumb in Chattanooga is having lunch at “Porkers” last month and guess who comes in for a meal? George W. Bush! Well, the Secret Service came in first and scoped out the joint, and then Bush showed up and was friendly to everybody and even took pictures with people who just happened to be having lunch at the time. Karl Rove was there, too.
The folder is from an Internet hosting company called Coptix. This proves without doubt that Karl Rove is illegally running all the White House e-mail through a private company instead of the White House government servers which belong to the American People. Anyway, everybody knew all that weeks or months ago, but now there’s a picture of Karl Rove holding a folder.
Photo by David Gidcumb.
Rove spotted in Chattanooga with brochure for nameserver host. Can we subpoena the records now? [Corrente]
I ate lunch with the leader of the free world [Gidcumbs]
Earlier: Bush Administration Has Double-Secret Private Communication System