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mardi, avril 10, 2007

9-11 Justice

Regardless of how superior and compelling this excellent
18 minute video about 9/11 is, even a regular old shitbird like me from Dumbfuckistan could have made 100 more tellingly indictable points against the real terrorists in the crypto facist government that staged a silent military coup de etat against America back in the day when Lyndon Johnson told Bush Sr.,"That's the last time that son of a bitch (JFK) will make a fool out of me!", shortly before it was arranged to make L. H. Oswald, a high level FBI double agent, the patsy for Kennedy's assassination choreographed by CIA's GHWB.

The attack on America began in earnest with the first Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the second attack was planned for years in advance to enable the coup de gras in the middle east undeliverable by Bush, Sr. in the first Iraq war. Hussein and bin Laden were both agents of the US/CIA and both became patsies just like Oswald. The business and personal relationship between the Bush's and the bin Laden's is hardly a secret...right up to and including the morning of 9/11.

Watch this video, save it to your profile page, word or notepad, repost it regularly as a blog or a bulletin and make notes each time you think of another smoking gun still in the hands of the Bush administration and their secret shadow government handlers on 9/11 and in the days of outrageous spin afterwards including the 911 Commission Report and all the "conspiracy theory" debunking machinery that still spins furiously every day in mass mediea, particularly FOX, over 5 years after the fact. You should have another hundred reasons why this administration and its various governmental and corporate tentacles should be indicted, prosecuted, tried and imprisoned for ever and a day as the real 9/11 terrorists who attacked America and the world on that fateful day. I figure the 800 "detention camps" in the United States should just about hold everyone involved before, during and after the fact. If not, we can build as many more as are needed...with the "white box cars" to transport them, treasonist class.