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mercredi, juin 04, 2008

Rabbi Weiss Criticizes Zionist Occupation of Palestine

On Tuesday, June 3, 2008, the American Israel Political Affairs Committee, (AIPAC), the cutting edge of the powerful Israel Lobby, held its annual parley in Washington, D.C. Activists were outside the downtown Convention Center expressing their strong vocal opposition to the event. One of the protesters was Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. He is associated with Neturei Karta International, an Orthodox Jewish organization, which is adamantly opposed to the political ideology of Zionism. Rabbi Weiss, a spokesman for Karta International, was sharply critical of AIPAC, the Zionists and Zionism in his remarks. He was also supportive of the cause of Palestine and of the Palestinian people. Rabbi Weiss ripped Zionist Israel for its occupation of Palestine and its harsh treatment of the Palestinian people.