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vendredi, mai 23, 2008

FLDS Children forced Vaccinations against the Parents wishes

Texas authorities have asked foster care providers to immunize every FLDS child - despite some parents' concerns about possible negative effects. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services sent letters to 16 group homes and shelters this week asking them to line up shots for the children. "It appears to be a totally unimmunized population," said Patrick Crimmins, department spokesman. "We're the legal parents of the children and we would like for them to be
immunized." Crimmins said the state requires all children in custody to be immunized for their "health and safety." He said no one would be forced to get inoculations; older children specifically would have the opportunity to decline the shots. A Dallas attorney called the demand "outrageous." "The truth is [FLDS parents] don't kow what to do," said Polly R. O'Toole, who represents one child. "They would prefer to make that decision. But they are afraid to exercise any options out of fear they will be perceived as uncooperative by CPS." Rod Parker, a Salt Lake City attorney who has acted as a spokesman for the FLDS, said some children have been immunized but their health records are in Utah. Willie Jessop, an FLDS member and spokesman, said some parents have immunized their children and some have not. "It's an individual decision," he said. But the parents "oppose forced mandates of things happening to their children they don't even know about."