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vendredi, février 08, 2008

FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

Another clear cut case of the media on 9/11/01 being fed a cover story on WTC-7's collapse before the actual event. In this clip, the anchors for FOX-5 in Washington DC on 9/11/01 report that WTC-7 had already collapsed and then they watch WTC-7 collapse seconds in their own video footage just after they already reported that the collapse already happened. This is more evidence that WTC-7 was brought down in a controlled demolition. How could anyone know a building with light fire damage is too collapse at free fall speed, unless they know it is going to be brought down with explosives?

Totally ridiculous. 9/11 was an inside job designed to convince the American people we need perpetual war.