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mercredi, décembre 05, 2007

Rove Called Out For Iraq Lies by DCCC Chairman Van Hollen

Did you see the showdown between DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen and Karl Rove on FOX News Sunday?

We told you this weekend about Rove's recent lies, his claims that Congress pushed the President to war in Iraq in a ludicrous attempt to erase the fact that President Bush started this disastrous, failed war.

Republicans know what a mess they have made in Iraq -- we can't let them rewrite history now.

Chairman Van Hollen took him to task and demanded he retract these outrageous statements. While Rove did a verbal tap dance, cherry picking information, the Chairman pulled out his trump card. This quote from Ari Fleischer:

"It was definitely the Bush administration that set it in motion and determined the timing, not the Congress. I think Karl in this instance just has his facts wrong."

Rove looks dumbfounded that someone finally stood up to him and called out his fabrications face-to-face. Watch the video of Chris Van Hollen and contribute to help us continue holding Bush's Rubber Stamp Republicans accountable. Don't let them rewrite history and use their spin to promote their concocted story.

Watch highlights of Chairman Van Hollen taking Karl Rove to task.

You can also still help us to set the record straight with the media by sending a letter-to-the-editor or join our letter campaign and send a letter to Karl Rove.
