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lundi, novembre 05, 2007

You can't miss this; neither can they.

It's hard to miss that the 5 million dollars th...
It's hard to miss that the 5 million dollars that Ron Paul raised gave him the greatest boost in positive media coverage to date. His fundraising also helps to provide a point of contention when one views the 'national polls' as being a reliable example of his actual support. The idea is to have as many people as possible pledge to donate $100 to Ron Paul's campaign on November 5th. They are hoping for 100,000 people, which would provide Dr. Paul with a $10 million donation. This would be the largest donation ever received by a presidential candidate in a single day. Imagine the impact this would have in light of the reaction to him acquiring just 5 million over a period of months. Not everyone will be able to give the full $100, and so will not be able to add their name to the list. This shouldn't stop anyone from simply donating any amount of money on that given day, no matter how small. Currently more than 10,000 people have pledged the $100 and even more people remain below the radar and will be contributing a smaller amount.
Even if you can't donate ANY money, everyone should do everything they can to send this message home. You can do this by doing an overnight blitz of sign hanging on the night before the 5th. You can also help organize sign wavings, marches and other events to occur on November 5th to coincide with the historic donation. Anything you can think of to get the word out that AMERICA SUPPORTS RON PAUL.

It's time we put our money where our movement is.

Go here to pledge: