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vendredi, septembre 21, 2007

RTL Croatia Chemtrails Report (english translation)

[...] but indiviuals claim that the danger is not coming from space. They say that there is unusual activity in the sky, trails that airplanes leave on the altitude of 9000 meters are not just water vapour attached on particles remnant from the combustion of jet-fuel.

Daniel Klaic, amateur-meteorologist: On the other hand we have Chemtrails or chemical trails. They are specific because they do not dissipate, but endure and spread until forming a thin layer of cirrus clouds covering the sky.

Those informed claim that these trails are in fact not as harmless as they may seem.

Arsen Miletic, reporter: The key is in the composition. The composition of chemtrails is a compound of alluminium, barium, titanium, magnesium and there were some bacteria found, and even traces of human blood-cells.

This kind of aerial dusting, Arsen says, was put together 15 years ago by american scientists as a secret project named ''Shield''.

Their goal was creating an artifical layer of clouds that would reflect the rays of the sun alleviating the effects of global warming. But things got out of hand...

Danijel Klaic, amateur-meteorologist: There are various theories from those that claim this is a program for manipulating the weather to those more grim that say it's a matter of population control.

The croatian air-traffic control registered more than 300 000 flights over Croatia this year, of which only a quoter used the services of local airports. These flights were authorized by the Department of sea, traffic and development. It's officials state they have no knowledge of a possible dusting operation. The meteorologists say that these claims are unfounded.

Zeljko Lazanin, meteorologist: There is no such possibility. It's hard to believe that a company involved in passenger transport would be involved in such mistical things.

Zeljko Lazanin on the other hand admitts that there are aerosol operations but exclusively for cloud seeding/creating rain for replenishing water levels in rivers and artificial lakes and on altitudes between 2000 and 4000 meters. The proponents of the Chemtrails theory disagree...

Danijel Klaic amateur-meteorologist: It's especially interesting that these trails form rectangular and X-pattern formations over inhabited places in Croatia. And when we confront these patterns with the known civilian air-corridors/routes they simply don't match.

Arsen Miletic, reporter: I would say that Croatia has been drawn into a grand experiment, an experiment with human lives at stake.

The data from the Department of Public Health reveals an increase of malign and benign illnesses in Croatia. No one can say with certainty if the trails are causing this, but it's certain that on the internet we have a steady increase of photographs showing the same pattern over all the croatian cities.
Thanks to CowboyBebop2012 for english translation.