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jeudi, septembre 20, 2007


We CANNOT let this happen! How many people have and continue to be kidnapped and tortured and held indefinitely? This does not pertain only to detainees in Guantanamo Bay - the U.S. has detention facilities all over the world. Check out the ACLU website for more details. Also, under the Military Commissions Act of 2006, Bush can name U.S. citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" which means if he deems you to be a "terrorist" YOU could be detained also. Did you know that there is now a law considering animal activists and environmental activists "terrorists?" What is this country coming to? He is giving himself broad power to do what he wants to do, absolve himself from any crimes and then detain, torture and potentially kill anyone who opposes him. We CANNOT let him do this!
Congress is ruling on this on Friday so EVERYONE has to call your representative TODAY.

Call her first: Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) (202) 225-4965