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vendredi, juin 08, 2007

Following the Ed Brown fiasco in NH?? Watch this!

Most of you have seen this but there are plenty on my friends list who I know haven't.. If you've seen the recent commotion on the news about Ed Brown in NH, the "crazy" guy who refuses to pay taxes and are curious as to why someone simply doesn't go with the flow and follow the law and just pay their taxes... Then you HAVE to watch this..

Learn about the federal reserve and the IRS and then you'll see why Ed isn't so "crazy" after all..

Most of us would like to tell the IRS and federal reserve that we're not going to play their game anymore.. Ed had the balls to follow through.

This is Aaron Russo's movie about the federal reserve (a private organization) and the IRS. If THIS doesn't piss you off, nothing will.