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jeudi, juin 07, 2007

ed & elaine tax protesters surrounded by NAZI's i mean SWAT

New Waco could be unfolding

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, June 7, 2007

A new Waco could be underway as reports come in of law enforcement, APC's and SWAT team personnel descending on the home of Ed Brown, the tax protester who has threatened to use force to defend himself against authorities.

We have now received unconfirmed reports that the Brown house is on fire.

Fred Smart, a close friend of the Brown's confirmed that Brown's phone has been cut and that at around 8:30PM last night a silent surveillance drone with a bright beaming light encircled the Brown's property as if conducting reconnaissance.

News reporters have confirmed that police have surrounded the property and that they were kept away from the property.

Authorities have been telling reporters that they would not violently engage the Brown family for the past few months but this now appears to be the case.

"Dozens of heavily armed state police and federal agents have assembled near the rural Grafton County home of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown."

"About 50 state troopers, some armed with high-powered rifles, along with a vehicle from the explosives unit gathered this morning in Plainfield, a small town where Edward and Elaine Brown have holed up in their home since being convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms," reportsthe Plainfield Union Leader.

More live updates at this blog.

VIDEO news report from the scene.

We are encouraging people in the Plainfield area to get down to the area immediately to see what is happening.

More on this story as it develops.....

RELATED: SWAT Teams, Armored Vehicle Seen Near Brown Compound