Three bucks. That's not much when you're standing in line at Starbucks for a latte every morning. But imagine what would happen if those $3 could change the lives of people around the world in powerful ways.
Introducing the Tri Campaign, where a lot of smalls add up to one big good. Just $3 a week can sustain Invisible Children and the programs that are changing lives in America and Uganda.
Simply put, that small donation will change:
Culture IC creates fresh, eye-opening media and inspires people to get involved.
Policy IC brings you unique events, garnering political attention and policy change.
Lives IC changes lives here and abroad through education and employment.
Sign up at and pledge to give $3 a week.
Be a part of something that's worth more than just a cup of coffee. Be a part of a revolution that is changing lives.
If you don't TRI, who will?
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