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jeudi, janvier 11, 2007

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

J'ai reçu un mail sur myspace du 911 en général (le post est relayé partout...)

Tout les 11 du mois, ils proposent des actions, partout ou c'est possible...




The Eleventh Day of Every Month

There's a lot of sentiment going around that this is going to be the year that 9/11 truth breaks out and it does seem to me that all current indicators would agree. I think it's obvious that there's no stopping the truth - but in my opinion we really need to push it - accelerate - commit to do as much as we can every day to spread the truth, reach as many people as possible - in order to maximize the potential power in what is already an unstoppable force of nature. Because on the one hand we have Barbara Streisand's husband, HUSTLER magazine, one of the coolest directors in Hollywood and the impending Final Cut but on the other there's the psychopaths with the nukes and detention camps acting more desperate and dangerous by the day.

January 11, 2007 marks the 64th month since September 11, 2001. The criminals responsible for the 9/11 and ongoing psyop and mass murder campaign are not only free and at large but they are now publicly fantasizing about nuking countries full of people you and I will never meet. Here in the land of the free the majority seems to be asleep to just exactly what a nationalized ID card means or the fact that they will soon be required to carry one. A fully operational concentration camp system has been set up for immigrants under ICE. All legal blocks to a total police state have now been removed and "radicals" are invoked even before "terrorists" in the Puppet-in-Chief's latest threatening utterances regarding the security of the Homeland.

We've got to act and we've got act visibly on a regular basis.

It's been suggested that the eleventh day of every month be observed as a day of united action for the truth. The idea being for truth activists everywhere to all act together on a regular, ongoing basis. I think it's a great idea and I'm going to do everything I can to promote it and I know a number of other people are too. From now on I will observe the anniversary of 9/11 every month with action and I encourage everyone else to do the same. I think this idea could grow into a powerful unifying force for the truth movement in a fairly short amount of time. We have grown so much over the past year - we can be a truly amazing force for change if we act together. Imagine the effect it will have when national days of truth action are occurring monthly with ever increasing participation, creativity and visibility.

So let the eleventh day of every month be a day of united action for truth -

Spread the word.